A good wine is also the result of a well-coordinated team

Frank Nikolai

The winemaker (born in 1972) has been managing the family winery since 1997. After completing his apprenticeship as a winemaker and studying viticulture at Geisenheim University, he spent six months in Sonoma Valley (California), where he learned other techniques for making red wine and took these insights back to the Rheingau. He got to know the Sauvignon Blanc grape variety better during another stay abroad in Stellenbosch (South Africa) - and decided to grow it in his own winery in the Rheingau.

Ein guter Wein ist auch das Ergebnis eines eingespielten Teams

Frank Nikolai

Der Winzer (Jahrgang 1972) leitet das Familienweingut seit 1997. Nach seiner Winzerlehre und einem Weinbau-Studium an der Hochschule Geisenheim verbrachte er ein halbes Jahr im Sonoma Valley (Kalifornien), wo er andere Techniken für den Ausbau von Rotweinen erlernte und diese Einblicke in den Rheingau mitnahm. Die Rebsorte Sauvignon Blanc lernte er bei einem weiteren Auslandsaufenthalt in Stellenbosch (Südafrika) besser kennen – und beschloss, diese auch im eigenen Weingut im Rheingau anzubauen.

Andreas Kremer

The vineyards are his domain. The master winemaker is out and about among the vines as field manager in all weathers, tending them and making sure that the grapes develop well. His job is particularly important because only with good, healthy harvests can you later produce an excellent wine in the cellar.

Katja Schlereth

She is the good soul of the winery, which she knows inside and out. Always in a good mood and full of energy, she manages the office, runs the wine shop – and steps in wherever necessary.

Heinz Nikolai

The senior boss (born in 1947) took over the winery in the 1960s from his father Johann. Johann had run the estate as a mixed farm, with pigs, cows, chickens - and a horse, which he also used to plough the vineyards. At that time, the wine was mainly sold in barrels. It was Heinz Nikolai who converted the business into a pure winery and switched completely to self-bottled wine. This is another reason why the winery still bears his name today. He still helps out in the winery - because as a winemaker you never really retire.

Marta and Bogdan Mieczkowski

The couple have been part of the winery team - and part of the family - for a long time. They do all the manual work in the vineyards, such as pruning, tying, leaf work, and of course they are also involved in the harvest.

Emma Deneke

Since September 1, 2023, she has been supporting the team at the winery and learning the profession of winemaker.

Nikolaus bei Nikolais
im Hof und in der Kelterhalle
Rheingauer Schlemmerwochen
im Hof und in der Kelterhalle
46. Rheingauer Weinwoche in Wiesbaden
im Hof und in der Kelterhalle